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Tim Allen’s Idea For ‘Toy Story 5’

By Kim Carr Nov 21, 2023 | 1:34 PM

There are just some movies that really should have stopped at one or maybe two sequels. However, Pixar’s Toy Story is not one of those movies. While I wasn’t a HUGE fan of the 4th installment, I still enjoyed seeing all the toys back together. I just think how they ended the story wasn’t great. It looks like we are getting at least one more installment with Toy Story 5.

Tim Allen recently talked about his idea for Toy Story 5’s plot. He wants to see the toys come full circle. His idea is “Andy is an adult, has children and they just happen to be online. The kids go ‘Have you ever seen this toy?’ And Andy sees Buzz has got a hand missing, and he’s in they’re selling these vintage toys. And Andy goes and gathers all the toys yup. He has to go out and find each one of them and put them back together, bring them back to his house, and start the whole thing over again with his son. That it’s all through Andy’s eyes, because we made his life, and now he’s returning the favor.”


*Excuse me while I go grab a tissue* Talk about a great idea and honestly the perfect closer to the film series.


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